Laleh Khalili
Tomahawks, Chinooks, and Geronimo: Settler Colonial Fantasies of US Navy Seals
November 10, 2022 / 3:30–5pm CT | hosted by NEH Veteran Fellow & Community Organizer Natasha Erskine
Laleh Khalili is a professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London and the author of Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: The Politics of National Commemoration (Cambridge 2007); Time in the Shadows: Confinement in Counterinsurgencies (Stanford 2013) and Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula (Verso 2020).
Watch the recorded event below or on our YouTube page.
For more information on Laleh Khalili’s recent work, please check out this curated “playlist.”
Time in the Shadows: Confinement in Counterinsurgencies by Laleh Khalili
“The New (and Old) Classics of Counterinsurgency” by Laleh Khalili
Sinews of War and Trade: Shipping and Capitalism in the Arabian Peninsula by Laleh Khalili
Capitalism Without Accountability at Root of Suez Canal Shipping Crisis, Says Scholar Laleh Khalili [video]
“The infrastructural power of the military: The geoeconomic role of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the Arabian Peninsula” by Laleh Khalili
“On Torture” by Laleh Khalili